New prototypes: 1 week vs 1 day of growth

O. Nidiformis 1 day after inserting spawn, the substrate is both bird seeds and straw.

1 day after inserting spawn. The top row containd O. Nidiformis, the bottom row P. Stipticus. Substrate is straw and bird seeds.

The 8 most left ones are after 1 week, the 8 most right ones after 1 day. The flasks that are marked contain P. Stipticus, the others O. Nidiformis. Substrate is bird seeds.

The 4 most left ones are after 1 day, the rest is after one week. The top row contains P. stiticus and the bottom O. Nidiformis. From left to right: straw, bird seeds, hemp, straw and bird seeds.
